The Archdiocese of Santa Fe requires that all volunteers complete the Abuse Awareness Training for Adults. If you are a volunteer at Nuestra Señora De Guadalupe or are planning to be, you must have a certificate of completion on file in the parish office. You may complete your training (Protecting God’s Children) at Virtus Online. Select the Archdioceses of Santa Fe from the drop-down menu and proceed as prompted. Please email your certificate of completion to [email protected] or drop off a copy at the parish office.
The Altar Servers are children or teenagers who assist the deacon and the priest during Mass. Children or teenagers who have received the sacrament of First Holy Communion are invited to be altar servers.
This Ministry invites ALL who wish to show their love of God by tending to His home. A time of peace for those who participate through prayerful service.
An “Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist” is a Catholic layperson who assists in distributing Holy Communion. Ministers serve under the guidance of our Pastor and Reflect our Faith in the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
The finance committee as a whole is tasked with generating and maintaining church funds to support the Parish. They are responsible for maintaining the church's financial records, and they must make decisions that will directly affect the church's finances.
Greeters and ushers help with taking up the collection during mass and selecting families/groups to present the offertory gifts during Mass. They also help in welcoming parishioners and visitors when they arrive.
Lectors have the Honor and Responsibility of proclaiming Sacred Scripture to the congregation. Their talents assist us in praying the Mass faithfully. Lectors are scheduled to read at weekend Masses. Please sign up if you are interested in helping to proclaim God's Word!
Has God Blessed you with the gift of Music? Come and be a part of the Liturgy that fills our Parish with Joy.
The sacristan, always under the clergy’s general direction, undertakes the overall preparation of liturgical celebrations. The sacristan thus arranges the books needed for the celebration, marking all of the divisions. They lay out the vestments and anything else needed for the celebration, such as cruets, chalices, ciboria, linens, oils, processional crosses, candles, and torches. The sacristan in harmony with the pastor also ensures that the vestments, church furnishings, liturgical vessels, and decorative objects are kept in good condition and, if necessary, sent for gilding or repair. As the Ceremonial of Bishops states: “The adornment and decor of a church should be such as to make the church a visible sign of love and reverence toward God.” Truly a Ministry for those that love the Mass!